Sunday, August 23, 2009

Walk This Way

Bernie has been walking for a few weeks now and she gets better and better as each day goes by. Most times she resembles a cowboy who has been in the saddle just a bit too long... (This is our new house so please ignore "the ditch", we will fix that!)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Miss Bernie, Part Deux!


Oh Pops, what a party! Too much cake (see next post...)

Last, but not least, the one who was not invited... "Crocodile" Bug Anderson. See him there, under the fence? :(

Happy Birthday Miss Bernie!


The cakes and the cake decorator, complete with cake decorating finger wound.

I helped make the cakes, Greg did not.
"Mini" cake, about 10 minutes before it met a sad and unfortunate end. (Mel ate it...)
Replacement "mini" cake.

Not too sure she wants to eat cake...

Looks like she changed her mind...