Monday, December 12, 2011

The Young Perspective on Things...

I just love my little girl. Our big Bug is OVERprotective of us and will bark his fool head off at any and everyone who dares walk by the house. (You are taking your life in your hands if you happen to knock!) It makes me so MAD and of course I scream and yell at him to stop.

But it puts things in perspective when Bernie says "Boy, he sure is a good barker!"

Oh, and there is this P.O.S. car that parks by our house sometimes. It used to be red, I think. Now it has panels of multiple colors, some blue and some black. I just roll my eyes when it parks out front.

But it puts things in perspective when Bernie says "Boy, that car sure is pretty!"

And just for fun... here is one of my most favorite pictures of two of my most favorite people!

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